Environmental Issues

We aims to apply the best international standards of practice in all aspects of its operations which relate to the health and safety of its employees at work and non-group personnel on group premises.

The Premium Group recognizes the importance of biodiversity protection and the potential for degradation of ecosystems in its operational areas.

PTH is committed to minimize the negative impact resulting from loss of biodiversity by following the Social Responsibility in Tobacco Production (SRTP) and Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) programmes.

The policy areas include:

  • Doing business in compliance with international laws, protocols and policies on biodiversity.
  • Good governance in environmental and management.
  • Producing GAP compliant products by ensuring that the agronomy department sensitizes, audits all farmers in our operational areas with the view to reduce pollution and further damage of diversity.
  • Encourage farmers and communities to conserve natural and artificial forests and ensure that farmers participate in bio diversification programmes.
  • Promote the establishment of buffer zones around crops to provide habitat for natural predators
  • Crop rotation as standard practice to maintain and protect soil organic matter and the associated microbial population
  • Ensure that exact amounts of fertilizer are applied and encourage the use of bio-pesticides while eliminating all use of HHPs (Highly Hazardous Pesticides).

The Premium Group and all its operating companies (The Company) recognise that its operating practices have an impact on the environment and community at large. Through the business practices conducted there is recognition that there may be an adverse impact on the climate, through the emissions of greenhouse gasses and carbon emissions into the environment.

The Company strives to reduce the amount of emissions that it creates and through regular checks by third party assessors, measuring emissions from the Company factories. With ongoing investment into energy efficient machinery, boiler efficiency and direct drive motors. This is to ensure that they are in line with national standards or international standards where possible.

Additionally, as part of SRTP and GAP programmes that it is committed to, the Company communicates to it growers and the rural growing community at large about the importance of having as minimal impact on the environment as possible. As well as the impact of climate change. This is made possible through training and awareness campaigns.

The Company is committed to learning more about this important and ever expanding area and intends to improve its position progressively.

This policy will be reviewed and update on a regular basis to ensure that the commitments are specific, achievable, realistic and up to date.

The Premium Group is committed to responsible energy management and will practice energy efficiency throughout in all its operating areas especially in the factory and offices.

PTH shall be committed to buying and using energy in the most cost effective, efficient and environmentally responsible way. This policy signifies PTH’s commitment to control the level of energy consumed.

The following guidelines shall be used:

  • Investing in the use of energy renewable resources and new technologies.
  • Create employee awareness on Energy Efficiency (EE) and energy consumption reports that will establish energy consumption, energy costs, energy savings and Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)
  • Implement energy conservation measures both at the factory. offices and farming communities by ensuring the use of equipment for processing and curing tobacco that do not emit green house gas
  • Implement employee and farming programs to save energy at work and at home
  • Encouraging farming communities where we operate to own woodlots

Premium Tobacco Holdings Limited shall establish Energy Efficiency Team which shall comprise of representatives from the departments which shall report to the Managing Director at least quarterly on energy performance.